Institute of Taiwan Economic Research

Established in 1986, Institute of Taiwan Economy of Nankai University is one of the earliest academic institute on Taiwan Studies as well as one of the earliest qualified institutes to provide master  and doctoral degree programs in Taiwan economy in mainland China. Since its establishment, the institute. Since its establishment, the institute insists on the academic freedom principle of Nankai University and has carried out in-depth and systematic studies on Taiwan economy, cross-strait economic and trade relations and economic comparisons, with the aim of enhancing the economic and trade exchanges between the two sides of the strait and promoting the peaceful reunification of China. It has undertaken many national, provincial and ministerial research programs, and has achieved fruitful results that valued by both Taiwan and mainland China, making it an academic center in cross-strait economy and trade studies. The institute is one of the important advisory bodies of Chinese government’s relevant departments and has attended the Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Culture Forum for five consecutive times, promoting the improvement of cross-strait relations.

The institute has made outstanding achievements in studies, teaching, foreign exchange and other aspects. It has always been leading the way in teaching and studies Taiwan economy and cross-strait economic and trade relations. Same as Nankai University’s Institute for Studies in Regional Economics, the institute belongs to the regional economics discipline. Due to its outstanding study and teaching results, the discipline was listed among national key disciplines in 2002, and became a Philosophy and Social Science Innovation Base in national 985 Project in 2004. It has also established a wide range of academic exchanges and stable long-term relations of cooperation for academic and cultural circles in China and abroad.

The Institute currently has nearly 20 part-time researchers, including Mr. Ye Wanan, Mr. Gao Hui and other well-known experts and scholars from Taiwan. Former deputy director of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, executive vice president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and director of the Research Center for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, Mr. Tang Shubei, is an adjunct professor and the chief adviser of the institute.