
Assistant professors Huang Kaixing and Zhao Hong Made Progress in two Fields

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(Correspondent: Zhao Hong) Assistant professors Huang Kaixing and Zhao Hong of our school have published papers in high-level English journals including Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM) and Journal of Economic Surveys.

JEEM is an authoritative journal that mainly focuses on environmental economics related issues (in the first district of JCR). The main contribution of this article is to estimate the long-term impact of climate change on the labor distribution of China's agricultural population and analyze the difference of the impacts across genders.

Journal of Economic Survey is a comprehensive economic journal (in the first district of JCR). The main contribution of this article is to analyze the impact of FDI on global income inequality and the regional differences in the impacts.


Paper title and link:

Huang, Kaixing, Hong Zhao, Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang, and Christopher Findlay. 2020. The impact of climate change on the labor allocation: Empirical evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.  

Paper title and link:

Huang, Kaixing, Nicholas Sim, and Hong Zhao. 2020b. Does FDI actually affect income inequality? Insights from 25 years of research. Journal of Economic Surveys.