
Professor Wang Yongjin: The Non-Neutrality of Implicit Trade Barriers and Gains from Imported Intermediates

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The paper The Non - neutrality of Implicit Trade Barriers and Gains from Imported Intermediates, created by Professor Wang Yongjin of our college and Meng Shanshan of the School of Economics of Peking University, was published in China Economic Quarterly, Volume 23, Issue 1 (Total No. 92). 

The “implicit trade barriers” faced by enterprises of different ownership are obviously different. Using a quantitative analysis method to systematically the paper tries to investigate the impact of implicit trade barriers on import welfare effects. The findings are as follows: (1) the difference in implicit trade barriers reduced social welfare and trade benefits; (2) the decline in trade barriers had a greater effect on the productivity of private enterprises; (3) higher domestic trade costs have increased the proportion of firms’ import sourcing, which has forced companies to rely excessively on the imported intermediates and magnified China’s import trade benefits.

Founded in October 2001, China Economic Quarterly is a comprehensive economic journal sponsored by the China Center for Economic Research of Peking University and managed by Peking University. It publishes original theories, experiences, reviews and critical Chinese economic papers.