External Risk Exposure of China’s Industrial Chain and its National Structure
Time: 2:30 p.m., May 6th, 2022
Tencent Meeting ID: 291-529-824
Speaker: Associate Professor Zhu Kunfu
Chair: Professor Yan Bing
Zhu Kunfu is currently an associate professor in School of Economics, Renmin University of China. His main research interests are quantitative methods for global value chain, input-output techniques, measurement of trade in value-added, etc. He has had more than 40 papers published in international and domestic journals such as Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics, Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Economic Systems Research, Nature Climate Change, One Earth, Applied Energy, Social Sciences in China, Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Economic Research Journal. He has hosted 1 youth program and 2 general programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and more than 10 policy consultation projects at ministerial and provincial-level. He has won the 13th and 19th Sun Yefang Economic Science Award (2009,2020), the 2nd Zhang Peigang Excellent Achievement Award for Development Economics Research (2009), the 19th An Zijie International Trade Research Award (2016, first prize), the 1st Chen Xikang Input-output Technology Award (2016), the Achievement Award for Business Development Research (2017), the second prize of the 8th Excellent Achievement Award for Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities (2019) ,etc. Several of his research reports have been remarked by officials of the Central Committee.