
School of Economics, NKU and ERI-BAS Hold On-line MOU Launch Ceremony and First Webinar


On April 27, 2024, the School of Economics, NKU officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (ERI-BAS) after rounds of careful negotiations. This effort is to align with NKU’s international engagement initiative and enhance the School’s cooperation and exchanges with international research institutes.

On the afternoon of May 22, 2024, the On-line MOU Launch Ceremony and the First Webinar was held for the both sides in a conference room on the 10th floor of a building at the School of Economics. The event was attended by Prof. Li Junqing, Director of the CPC Committee of the School of Economics, Prof. Jiang Dianchun, Vice Dean of the School of Economics, Prof. Sun Jingyu, Deputy Director of the CPC Committee of the School of Economics, leaders of departments and institutes at the School, and faculty members of some programs.

The NKU side was presided over by Prof. Jiang Dianchun, while the ERI-BAS side by Prof. Teodora Peneva. They introduced each attendee’s basic information and his/her academic field of study. During the launch ceremony, Prof. Li Junqing and Prof. Irena Zareva-Zafirova, Director of ERI-BAS, gave speeches and greeted each other. They presented the history, structure, scientific research, and international exchanges of each side. Besides, they emphasized the signing of the MOU will enhance the friendship and facilitate communication and cooperation.

Then, the conference moved on to academic reports. Prof. Daniela Bobeva and Prof. Iskra Hristova-Balkanska from ERI-BAS gave academic presentations on Foreign Direct Investment China-Bulgaria and Trade and economic relations between Bulgaria and China, respectively. Additionally, Prof. Wang Qunyong, Director of the Institute of Quantitative Economics, the School of Economics, gave an academic report on Shock Propagation of US-China Decoupling in Dual-circulation Production Network: Characteristics and Simulation. After each presentation, both sides asked questions and engaged in discussions, demonstrating a fervent academic atmosphere.

ERI-BAS is an acknowledged national academic center in the field of economic science in Bulgaria. In the external international evaluation by the Federation of All European Academies and the European Science Foundation in 2009, it had the highest rating among the institutes of social sciences at BAS. The Institute plays a pivotal role in the field of European economic research, and maintains partnerships with similar organizations from Europe, USA and Asia. It is among the leading economic scientific institutions in the world in terms of publications and citations registered in RePec, an international database for economic literature. In addition to scientific research, ERI-BAS has also established an expert center for consultations in the field of economic policies and business, and a center with international reputation for training PhD students. It publishes the peer-reviewed scientific journal Economic Studies, the most influential economic journal in Bulgaria, as well as well-established economic journals such as Economic Thought.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Bulgaria. The MOU aims to promote in-depth cooperation in the academic field, and improve the scientific research and development of the both sides through the sharing of information, exchanges of ideas, mutual visits, and collaboration in research projects.