
Associate Professor Yuan Tao Attended the 19th Jeju Forum in South Korea


(Correspondent: Wang Tianjian) From May 29 to June 2, 2024, Associate Professor Yuan Tao of our school attended the 19th Jeju Forum held at Cheju Halla University, Jeju Island, South Korea.

During the parallel session “Global Geopolitical Crisis and Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia”, Associate Professor Yuan Tao gave a speech entitled “How Should China, South Korea and Japan Cooperate and Achieve Stable Economical Development?”. In the meantime, he discussed with scholars from South Korea and Japan, and answered questions from the audience.

Yuan Tao's speech focused on the economic, trade, and financial development of China, South Korea, and Japan, analyzing the importance of these three countries to the world economy and the importance of economic cooperation between them. He pointed out that the three countries have the potential for cooperation in many advanced technologies and industries, and that enhancing the level and quality of cooperation among the three countries by utilizing the existing Northeast Asian industrial chain system will be beneficial to the world and to the continuous development of the economies of the three countries, leading to mutual benefit.

Professor Sung-Hun Kim, President of Cheju Halla University, kindly met with Yuan Tao and they had dinner together.

The Jeju Forum is sponsored by Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, the International Peace Foundation and the East Asia Foundation, and co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea and the Jeju Free International City Development Center. Founded in 2001, the forum is the most influential global conversation platform organized by South Korea. Under the theme of Cooperation for a better world, the 19th Forum held this year aimed at exploring feasible strategies for the establishment of a peaceful and prosperous world.


Associate Professor Yuan Tao with other scholars

Associate Professor Yuan Tao delivering his speech

Associate Professor Yuan Tao at the gala dinner