
Dr. Yi Yu Attended the 2024 China International Conference in Macroeconomics


(Correspondent: Wang Tianjian) From June 23rd to 26th, Dr. Yi Yu, a faculty member of our school, attended the 2024 China International Conference in Macroeconomics (CICM) held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, during which he presented his paper Held-to-maturity Accounting and Bank Runs. The paper studies the impact of held-to-maturity accounting on bank runs, and puts forward relevant policy analysis. In addition, Dr. Yi Yu introduced the history, current situation and achievements of the School of Economics of Nankai University to the participating experts and scholars.

First held in 2019, the CICM focuses on macroeconomic issues in China and around the world, and aims at promoting and expanding high-quality research on macroeconomics, especially on China's macro-economy, which involves topics such as consumption, investments, employment, economic cycles, monetary and fiscal policy, credit and banking, economic growth and development, structural transformation, international trade, international finance, and macro-finance.