
Dr. Zhang Jian Attended the 2024 Econometric Society Australasia Meeting (ESAM 2024)


(Correspondent: Zhong Yiming) From December 4th to 6th, 2024, Dr. Jian Zhang, a faculty member of our school, attended the 2024 Econometric Society Australasia Meeting (ESAM2024) held at Monash University in Australia, and shared his paper “Identification and Estimation of Average Causal Response Function in a high-dimensional Sample Selection Model”.The paper investigates the identification and estimation of the Average Causal Response (ACR) function within the framework of high-dimensional selection models. The method is applied to educational training data to analyze the impact of accommodation choices on future income and lifestyle habits.

The Econometric Society is a prestigious international academic organization dedicated to the theory and application of econometrics, aiming to promote academic exchange and advancement in economics. Its meetings are regarded as top-tier events in the field of econometrics. During the meeting, participants engaged in discussions on theoretical issues such as double machine learning methods, causal inference, and p-hacking.